We’re leading an all-out national mobilization to defeat the climate crisis.

Join our work today to help us build a thriving and just clean energy future. 


We’re leading an all-out national mobilization to defeat the climate crisis.

Join our work today to help us build a thriving and just clean energy future. 

Ways to Give to Evergreen

Help Power a Clean Energy Future

Generous donations from people like you power our work writing, winning, and defending smart climate policies at the federal and state level. 

Recurring donations help sustain our work! Consider becoming a monthly supporter.

How will Evergreen Action put my dollars to work?

We know that when you give, you’re putting your trust in us to create revolutionary and long-lasting change. Guided by our extensive policy and campaign experience, here’s how we’re doing just that:

  1. Spearheading bold policy products with clear climate standards that grow working class prosperity and advance economic, racial, gender, and social justice. 
  2. Forging partnerships between grasstops movements and governmental decision-makers to ensure that policies are shaped by the people who know them best.
  3. Deploying campaign-style media and digital communications to spread awareness and build momentum to take action across communities and legislatures. 
  4. Using effective advocacy to turn our policies into long-lasting laws by forging partnerships between grasstops movements and decision makers, and locating key opportunities to advance our mission. 


Choose Your Type of Donation

None of what we do would be possible without your help. There are many ways to invest in the vital work ahead—and each dollar we raise unlocks new possibilities to defend our future. Contact us at donations@evergreenaction.com with any questions or to discuss your contribution.  

Make a One-Time Donation

Give a one-time gift today!

Supporting Evergreen with a one-time gift fuels a powerful movement for a clean energy future that creates good-paying, union jobs and advances environmental justice.

  • Gifts to Evergreen Collaborative are tax-deductible.
  • Gifts to Evergreen Action power our advocacy work, but are not tax-deductible.
  • Checks can be mailed to: 1250 Connecticut Ave NW, Suite 700, Washington DC 20036.

Donate Monthly

Embrace the power of sustainability with a monthly donation to Evergreen—it's like providing renewable fuel for a clean climate future. Give a recurring gift now to make an impact month after month, all year long. 

Donate in Honor of Someone

Make a gift to Evergreen in honor of someone special. Your contribution is a tribute to your shared commitment to a clean energy future and is a great way to celebrate, remember, and honor those you care about most. 

Recognition letters are available upon request. Email to share emails/addresses of the people you’re honoring and a message you’d like to include with your gift.

Give Through a Donor Advised Fund

Maximize your impact on climate action by directing your support through a donor-advised fund to Evergreen. Not only do you transform your philanthropy into a strategic investment for climate, jobs and justice, but you also unlock valuable tax advantages. Talk with your financial advisor or email donations@evergreenaction.com to learn more. 

Donate Stock

Empower the fight against climate change with the gift of stock to Evergreen. Email donations@evergreenaction.com for stock transfer instructions and support in processing your donation.  

Employer Matched Gifts

Many companies provide matching gifts for all or part of their employees’ donations. To have your company match your gift, you can often provide the donation receipt to your employer. If you have any questions or if your employer requires more information, please contact donations@evergreenaction.com for help. 

Legacy Giving

Including Evergreen Collaborative in your will or living trust is a simple and flexible way to leave a legacy for future generations. If you are thinking about your legacy or updating your will or estate plans, we hope you will consider making Evergreen a beneficiary of any of the following types of accounts to continue making a critical impact on the climate movement:

  • Retirement Accounts
  • Life Insurance Policies
  • Bank or Brokerage Accounts
  • Certificate of Deposits
  • Donor Advised Funds

You can name a percentage or give all or part of what is remaining after payment of debts, expenses, and other specific bequests. If you would like to make such a gift to Evergreen Collaborative, your attorney can include language similar to the following:

“I give _ [written amount or percentage of the estate or description of property] to Evergreen Collaborative, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization registered in Washington, DC to be used for its general purposes. As of November 2024, Evergreen Collaborative has its main address as 1250 Connecticut Ave NW, Suite 700, Washington DC 20036. Evergreen Collaborative’s tax exempt identification number (EIN) is 86-1741610."

If you wish for your gift to be used for a specific purpose, we can work with you and/or your attorney to help draft appropriate language. Contact donations@evergreenaction.com with questions or to learn more.