NEW REPORT: Project 2025 Will Lead to Massive Job Losses and Increased Energy Costs in Wisconsin

Today, non-partisan analysts at Energy Innovation released new modeling detailing the potential impacts of Project 2025 in each state. The new analysis compares two scenarios—one in which the radical Project 2025 agenda is implemented and another where the historic climate achievements of the Biden-Harris administration are protected and recent state progress is maintained. In every state modeled, the results find that Project 2025 will result in significant job and GDP losses, higher household energy costs, and higher climate pollution by 2035.

In Wisconsin, the modeling projects that Project 2025 would stunt economic growth and cost Wisconsin families billions over the next ten years, resulting in:

  • Increased average annual energy costs of nearly $400 per household in 2035,
  • $3 billion reduction in GDP in 2035, and
  • Nearly 20,100 jobs lost in 2035.

“Project 2025 is a lose-lose scenario: We’d give up all the progress we’ve made in the fight against climate change and all we’d get in return would be higher bills and fewer jobs. The climate policies and federal funding that Project 2025 aims to eliminate are historic and immensely popular—including among Wisconsin voters. Just this year, voters blocked the politically led effort from state Republicans to stymie the state’s use of federal funds,” said Justin Balik, Evergreen Action senior state program director. “Should the policies proposed in Project 2025 be allowed to go into effect, the will of Wisconsin voters would be blatantly disregarded and communities will be stuck with the bill. For Wisconsin’s families, workers, and environment, we must reject the climate-denying, MAGA-led effort to drag us backward.”

Read Energy Innovation’s full report here.