Michigan Legislature Must Move to Advance Historic Transit Investments

The Michigan House of Representatives is soon expected to consider a legislative package that would make the largest sustained investment in transit in Michigan's history. The package includes a bill that would create a $2 billion transit funding program aimed at building new rapid transit bus routes and commuter rail infrastructure over the next ten years. The bill passed the House Economic Development and Small Business Committee on Tuesday and now awaits a vote from the full chamber before heading to the Senate for consideration. 

Ahead of the House vote, Evergreen Action Midwest Senior Policy and Advocacy Manager Courtney Bourgoin released the following statement: 

“Significant investment in public transit is a crucial step for Michigan's climate future. Dedicating $2 billion to transit over the next decade would allow Michigan to finally and meaningfully complete projects like bus rapid transit and commuter rail—cutting emissions and cleaning up the air and water.

“This proposed investment is a massive opportunity for Michigan to bolster its climate leadership and improve quality of life for residents. We look forward to this bill moving through the legislature and heading to the governor’s desk to secure the largest, most sustained public transit investment in state history.”