Evergreen Statement on Trump’s Promise to Claw Back Clean Energy Investments Ahead of Presidential Debate

In response to reports on Donald Trump’s most recent pledge to claw back Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) funding if elected, Evergreen Action Executive Director Lena Moffitt released the following statement:

“Ahead of Tuesday’s debate in Philadelphia, Donald Trump once again confirmed he cares more about his Big Oil billionaire friends than working people by pledging to gut investments in America's clean energy future. His insistence on rejecting clean energy flies in the face of the very workers he is claiming to represent. When Trump takes the stage in Pennsylvania on Tuesday night, he will do so in a state where voters overwhelmingly support expanding the use of clean energy. The Biden-Harris administration’s historic climate law has already driven over $1 billion of investment in Pennsylvania. And grants through IRA programs are helping the Commonwealth to foster the clean industries of the future, protect communities from pollution, and ensure that 21st century clean technologies are produced right here in America. We won’t go back to Trump’s energy policies that will cost Americans nearly 2 million jobs, more than $30 billion in energy costs, and for many, their lives.”

Last month, Evergreen Action released new polling that shows a wide bipartisan majority of Pennsylvania voters support the increased usage of clean energy and believe its expansion will boost the Commonwealth’s economy and improve its energy reliability and affordability. You can read more about the poll here.
