Evergreen Statement on President Biden’s Call for SCOTUS Reforms

In response to President Joe Biden’s newly announced support for commonsense steps to reform the Supreme Court, Evergreen Action Vice President Craig Segall released the following statement:

“President Biden’s support for commonsense reforms to address the shameless corruption in our nation’s highest court is a welcome step towards restoring faith in America’s institutions. The fossil-fueled campaign to stack the court with ultra right-wing lawyers has ignited an accelerating legal and environmental crisis that has eroded our bedrock environmental laws and fundamental rights. Despite widespread popular support for climate action and legislative action from Congress, the current MAGA majority has been emboldened to make up entirely new fake legal doctrines to overturn decades of precedent and throw out lifesaving standards. In the hottest year on record, we do not have time for this cynical circumvention of our democracy. It is past time to stop the MAGA majority’s power grab, and move forward with the climate action that the American people and their representatives in Congress actually voted for.”

Earlier this month Evergreen released How the Climate Movement Can Use the End of Chevron to Close Pollution Loopholes, breaking down how environmentalists can take advantage of recent rulings to close pollution loopholes and calling on Congress to take action to rein in the MAGA majority’s power grab.