Evergreen: Overwhelming Demand for ACC Jobs Is a Strong Early Indicator of Program’s Success

In response to the news that more than 42,000 people have applied for the American Climate Corps, Evergreen Action Industry and Workforce Policy Lead Trevor Dolan released the following statement:

“The flood of applications in just three weeks since the American Climate Corps was launched is an exciting signal that this program is bound for success. Young Americans have grown up under the long shadow of a worsening climate crisis, but instead of wallowing in despair, they are turning out in record numbers to be part of the solution. The ACC creates a pathway to get paid work experience for lasting careers in the clean energy economy without needing to take time away from the workforce or take on student loans to build that career. 

“With so much early interest, the Biden administration should be actively exploring ways to expand the program beyond its first year and first 20,000 jobs. The proof is in the pudding: America’s young people are ready to fight the climate crisis. Now it’s time to get them to work.”

In 2021, Evergreen released “Building The Civilian Climate Corps: How New Deal Ambition Can Mobilize Workers For America’s Clean Economy,” calling on Congress and President Biden to create a national climate corps and detailing how a climate corps can spark national solidarity, putting people to work in their communities to build a better future. You can read the full report here.