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We’re leading an all-out national mobilization to defeat the climate crisis.

Join our work today to help us build a thriving and just clean energy future. 

We Read 6,795 Pages of State Climate Plans. Here’s a First Look at What We Found.

Nearly every state proposed a plan to cut climate pollution using IRA funding. We ran the numbers to answer the questions EPA, state leaders, and climate advocates want to know.

A heatmap of the United States describing the number of measures each state included in their Priority Climate Action Plan. The smallest amount of measures a state included was 5 (North Dakota) and the highest was 39 (Kansas).
This repository of action plans is our first opportunity to see how states are collectively tackling the climate crisis.


Jump to the Analysis

RMI, Evergreen, and Climate XChange reviewed 47 Climate Plans from 45 states, Puerto Rico, and the District of Columbia. Click on a link below to navigate through the findings.

  1. Tackling Key Pollution Sources
  2. Leveraging Big Investments for Big Community Benefits
  3. Combining Funding Mechanisms
  4. Going Above and Beyond



Millions of dollars are about to flow to states to help them tackle their unique local climate challenges. The Climate Pollution Reduction Grants (CPRG) program is one of the largest buckets of direct funding within the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), providing $5 billion to states, municipalities, Tribes, and other governments to reduce climate pollution. The first phase of the program, the planning grants, put $250 million in state and local governments’ hands to conceive of their clean energy future. And nearly every US state, along with D.C. and Puerto Rico, put their hand up for this tremendous opportunity by submitting a Priority Climate Action Plan ( PCAP Climate Plan) to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) just last month

It is a signal that a vast majority of US states—even ones that haven’t historically been leaders on climate—are eager to capitalize on the opportunity to address climate, advance clean energy, lower energy costs, clean up air pollution, and create jobs. States that might not have had the funding to invest in sectoral or economy-wide programs designed to reduce climate pollution now can—on their own terms, with nearly unlimited creativity.  

This repository of action plans is our first opportunity to see how states are collectively approaching and tackling the climate crisis, with a huge amount of new information about each state’s approach to reducing climate pollution. 

And a lot of money is on the table to bring these plans into reality. Following this planning phase, EPA will soon unlock a whopping $4.6 billion in grants that states, Tribes, and other governments can use to implement actions in their Climate Plans. This means the strategies laid out in the state Climate Plans will drive a major national investment to cut climate pollution.  

So, what do states want to do with this massive sum of funds? How ambitious are their plans, and what does this tell us about our nationwide climate progress? Together, RMI, Climate XChange, and Evergreen Collaborative read a total of 6,795 pages of plans to answer these questions. This is a first look at what can be uncovered, with much more to come. For a complete look at our review, see our spreadsheet.


By the Numbers: Initial Climate Plan Takeaways

Note: The data included below is a result of our collective first-pass review. As such, there may be minor adjustments made as we continue to dig into the detailed plans. 

RMI, Evergreen, and Climate XChange reviewed 47 Climate Plans from 45 states, Puerto Rico, and the District of Columbia. The states and territories represented collectively account for about 90 percent of the country’s population and carbon pollution. For almost half of the states—23—these Climate Plans represent the first meaningful climate action planning effort in their history, giving a very first view into how they might think about and approach climate action. 

Whether a state chose to call its plan a “Priority Resiliency Plan,” “Plan for Environmental Improvement,” “Priority Energy Plan,” or simply “Priority Plan,” it used the opportunity to produce a clear list of measures to reduce climate pollution. These initial plans give advocates critical information to push for continued ambition and effective implementation with IRA funds to support.


1. Tackling Key Pollution Sources 

A heatmap of the United States describing the number of measures each state included in their Priority Climate Action Plan. The smallest amount of measures a state included was 5 (North Dakota) and the highest was 39 (Kansas).

Measures describe which activities, policies, and programs the state will pursue to cut pollution.


The most critical component of the Climate Plan is the “priority measures” section that describes which activities, policies, and programs the state will pursue to cut pollution. States have started to articulate and focus their efforts, but we found significant variation in the number of measures and sectors addressed. These measures, or strategies, help us understand how states are planning to address climate pollution. They identify which sectors states are focused on, and whether that correlates with the most polluting sectors within that state or nationwide.


  • The Climate Plans collectively included 654 priority measures to tackle climate change from geographies and political contexts across the spectrum.
  • The plans ranged from four priority measures (North Dakota) to 39 (Kansas), with an average of 14 measures per plan. 
A scatter plot showing the relationship between the number of measures (x-axis) and the number of sectors included (y-axis) in a state's Priority Climate Action Plan. The trend is that as measures increase, so do sectors.

Including a greater range of sectors in a plan does not necessarily mean greater pollution reduction or higher ambition.

Of course, it’s not just about the numbers: Some states chose to disaggregate several action items under one single “measure,” while others listed each specific action item as its own measure. For example, Alabama (24 total measures) listed the specific “establishment of solar/charging infrastructure supporting irrigation in rural Alabama” as one measure, while D.C. (six total measures) listed several strategies below their third measure, “accelerate the deployment of local, clean, renewable, and resilient energy.” 

2 side-by-side bar charts showing the total measures for each sector (left) and the total climate plans that include each sector (right). Transportation had the most measures. Industrial measures were underrepresented.

Measures help identify which sectors states are focused on, and whether that correlates with the most polluting sectors.

This shows us that states are correctly focusing on many of the biggest problems. But there are gaps too.

As states build on their priority plans and develop their Comprehensive Climate Action Plans due to EPA by roughly summer 2025, it will be important to emphasize that this sector is really not so “hard-to-abate,” with many options on the table for states looking to act.


Importantly, including a greater range of sectors in a plan does not necessarily mean greater pollution reduction or higher ambition. Some states chose to narrowly focus their Climate Plan on a couple of specific sectors that they hope to use the CPRG Implementation Grant funding to address, while leveraging other federal and state resources to address the remaining sectors. Other states used the Climate Plan to address gaps or scale up their existing approaches and programs, especially for their highest emitting sectors. And still other states used their Climate Plans as a first step in identifying what action is needed—these plans tend to cover more sectors but may have lower ambition for each measure.


2. Leveraging Big Investments for Big Community Benefits

A bar chart showing the criteria used to select priority measures in Priority Climate Action Plans. Equity came in first at 18. The criteria used the least was resiliency and existing authority (3).

Many states were interested in climate strategies that supported economic and health co-benefits.


States are eager to create jobs, support communities, and grow their economies as they take climate action. EPA recommended focusing the Climate Plans on “near-term, high-priority, implementation-ready measures to reduce GHG pollution.” And states did so, while also including a more holistic focus on maximizing co-benefits.


We saw that many states were interested in climate strategies that supported economic and health benefits, in addition to tackling greenhouse gas pollution, especially in states where that might make their strategies more politically palatable. 

And states are finding ways to use the new federal funds to fill the gaps to reach these benefits. Interestingly, while some states chose measures that had an abundance of additional funding options (logged as “cost-effective” in the below chart), others specifically chose to include measures that couldn’t be funded through other avenues and for which CPRG funds were the best option.


This shows that flexible funding streams can be used to complement other programs and incentives by layering or stacking multiple incentives to unlock greater benefits or by filling in coverage gaps left by other programs.


3. Combining Funding Mechanisms

A bar chart showing the funding mechanisms used in priority measures. Multiple came in first at 216. Regulation came in last at 12. 76 measures did not list their funding mechanisms.

Many states used a combination of funding mechanisms to address high-level objectives.


Combining IRA funds with clear standards provides an untapped opportunity.

  • For the most part, states focused their Climate Plans on voluntary programs and specific projects even though standards can provide important certainty, toward both goal achievement and key industries and markets.
  • Meanwhile, very few states included regulatory measures in their Climate Plans.

This could be because they were inspired by the opportunity to use federal funds for “carrots” (usually much more politically popular than “sticks”), due to a lack of regulatory authority from the authoring agency, or because many states interpreted EPA’s “implementation-ready” guidance as “shovel-ready projects.” Where states used their measures to address high-level objectives (e.g., Ohio's third measure, “transportation efficiencies”), they listed a combination of mechanisms to accomplish their desired outcome, listed as “multiple” in the chart below.

  • Critically, 12 percent of the proposed measures across state plans do not clearly and actionably explain the activity, plan, or program, highlighting a need for additional work to make the measure a reality.


4. Going Above and Beyond

A bar chart showing which optional elements states elected to include in their plans. A plan to leverage other federal funding came in first at 42. GHG emissions projections came in last, at 17.

Optional elements give us a better look into how states plan to operationalize their strategies.


Many states are working to ensure their Climate Plans broadly benefit communities and leverage all available funds, but there is more to do. Per EPA guidance, the Climate Plans had to include four required “elements” or components: a GHG inventory, quantified measures, an analysis of benefits to low-income and disadvantaged communities (LIDACs), and a review of the state’s authority to implement the included measures.


  • The majority of plans (45) included all four elements, while two states were missing one or more.

States will be required to address these discrepancies in their follow-up Comprehensive Climate Action Plan. The Climate Plans could also include five optional elements: GHG pollution projections, GHG reduction targets, an overarching benefits analysis, a plan to leverage additional federal funding, and a workforce planning analysis.

  • Forty-two plans included one or more of the optional elements, while five plans didn’t include any.

These optional elements give us a better look into how realistic the plans are, as well as how states plan to operationalize their strategies in ways that will create jobs and community benefits.

  • Most states included a plan to leverage additional federal funding (42 in total), while about half of states included each of the other elements.

All states will be required to include these optional elements in the Comprehensive Climate Action Plans in 2025.

States are also engaging a wide range of key stakeholders to inform these plans, bringing communities, industry, and others along in their thinking. To prepare their Climate Plans, states were required to engage in stakeholder outreach.

  • Early analysis reveals that state Climate Plan engagement reached nearly 16,000 stakeholders and collected roughly the same number of formal comments and suggestions.

Our team will be taking a closer look at the depth and breadth of this outreach in future publications.


Big Opportunities Ahead 

For the first time ever, states across the country are writing down their plans for meaningful climate action at the same time. We are looking forward to partnering with states, advocates, industry, labor leaders, and communities to strengthen, implement, and expand these Climate Plans, supported by billions of dollars of federal investment. Our first look shows big opportunities ahead, and there’s more to explore.

We are just starting our analysis to ensure states and advocates have the information they need to answer key questions, like:

  • Which Climate Plans rise to the top and why?
  • Which Climate Plans do a particularly good job of addressing key community needs, including workforce development, environmental justice, and stakeholder engagement? 
  • What measures stand out as particularly new or innovative?
  • What measures might merit scaling across states?
  • Which states’ measures are particularly well targeted to their highest emitting sectors, and what key gaps exist within or across state plans? 
  • How did states fare when engaging in climate planning for the first time, and how much more work remains ahead? 
  • Which states show a high level of ambition? Are there new emerging climate leaders?

Though relatively high-level, these early insights should prove inspiring for state policymakers and advocates by demonstrating the sheer volume of potential climate action contained within the 47 Priority Climate Action Plans. Over the next few months, our team will continue to review these plans to identify additional takeaways from across the country to further advance the transformative climate action these plans could unlock.